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Lindus Construction

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Master Elite Contractors. 97th percentile in expertise. And now they’re masters of Big Data.

Lindus Construction, a family-owned business specializing in LeafGuard® brand gutters, windows, roofing and other home improvement projects, is headquartered in Wisconsin, with partner offices in several states in the Midwest. They are also a GAF Master Elite® Contractor, a status that has been attained by only three percent of roofing companies in the nation, and received a coveted GAF Triple Star President’s Club designation--the highest award a Master Elite contractor can earn. To say they are masters of window replacement is a well-documented understatement.

The Situation

Scaling the learning curve

With sizable stores of customer data at their fingertips, Lindus was intrigued with the possibilities that Einstein offers. But unlike the core Salesforce Cloud application which has standard features that work out-of-the-box, Einstein posed a handful of challenges:

  • Einstein is "blank" from the start and requires immediate custom development
  • Beginners can’t do much beyond enabling some extremely basic dashboard templates
  • Lack of expertise makes it difficult to derive meaningful insights from the platform

After Horizontal implemented Einstein to help Lindus optimize marketing campaigns and seasonality analysis, the Lindus team quickly realized the full potential of Einstein.

Horizontal Digital opened our eyes to the power of what Einstein dashboards could do for our company without having to do all of the manual updating. In addition, they gave us real-time data to make business decisions in seconds rather than hours, or even days.

 | Lindus Management

The Response

The roadmap ahead

Ongoing initiatives implemented by Horizontal include Project Management Roadmapping and Opportunity Management Dashboards as well as material purchasing decisions and margins with Einstein and Financial Force. A comprehensive roadmapping process evaluated each possible Einstein feature on viability and priority. The output:

  • A multi-year Einstein implementation plan
  • Specific projects laid out for the first 6-12 months
  • Potential projects identified for the future

Ready for AI-thing

Horizontal installed its Data Health app to assess overall data quality and level of AI readiness. The output:

  • Educated the Lindus team on how data quality impacts analytics and machine learning
  • Determined feasibility of executing projects on the roadmap
  • Reduced risk of taking on projects that the data couldn't support
Lindus data health dashboard

The Results

Masters of their data destiny

Horizontal’s implementation of Einstein has given Lindus the ability to make smarter data driven business decisions to make their already highly-credentialed family business an unstoppable market force.

Head-turning metrics

Lindus can now throttle their marketing campaigns by seeing actionable metrics, like:

  • A 15,000% ROI on their referral program
  • CPL and ROI, saving money on campaigns that are not working
  • A lead cost sweet spot that gave Lindus their biggest ROI of 19,000%

First things first

Horizontal partnered with Lindus to create a plan to execute the first four projects on the roadmap:

  • Campaign management dashboard
  • Campaign optimization Discovery
  • Story Seasonality analysis
  • Next Best Action pilot

Shaping-up sales

Einstein also unveiled how an appointment schedule of >14 days cut Lindus’ win rate in half. Additionally, the platform proved that the Demo/No Sales leads worth pursuing are those that visited within the last two weeks. Both insights helped boost close rates.

Planning makes perfect

Einstein has provided Lindus with a 360-degree view of margins on an individual project basis, alerting the team if they are falling below the variables Lindus has set, such as labor estimates, delivery deadlines, and more, and giving them the ability to ward off inefficiencies.

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